Monday, April 13, 2009

Fanciest Bag

I was at my friend's house today doing laundry. Doing laundry at friend's house makes laundry a lot more fun. It is a time to just hang with one of my best friend's. Now granted when I am desperately in need of something that is dirty and my apartment communal washing machines are full... I don't need to go into that.

My friend wanted to go over some of her son's work to see how he has been doing. He is in first grade. She found one homework that asked him to color a shopping bag that would be found at the world's fanciest store. What????? He colored a green circle in the middle and the rest was colored black. He got a C-. Now I realize that his coloring isn't fancy let alone the fanciest, but I just don't understand the assignment.

Why did the assignment call for a first grader to color a bag from the fanciest store? What did the other kids' bags look like? Did they have some sort of lesson on what fancy is? What is really fancy? What does the teacher think is fancy? What store would be considered fancy? WHY FANCIEST?!

Then I wanted to know why he colored what he colored. Could he possibly be thinking that what he drew was fancy? Was it representing something fancy even though it isn't fancy? Like maybe it was supposed to be an egg, like those fancy glass ones and he just isn't a good realist colorer (new word.) Or maybe the teacher talked about green being a fancy color. I just want to know more. I want to know what the lesson was about. It is driving me crazy.

Does anybody have a clue?


I added this blog as sort of a place to vent or place opinions or whatever.  There are just days I want to say a whole bunch of stuff (mostly to not forget) or tell my side of the story or tell someone about this awesome experience I had.  I suppose this is the reason people have blogs.  

Anyway, I would like to warn people about my writing and grammar skills.  I suck!  And although some people love correcting me both in my verbal and writing...I hate it.   I have decided I need a shirt that says "If you correct my grammar, then I will correct your face."  Not that I am a violent person, but it shows how I feel about people correcting me.   I won't take your advice on my writing skills because I don't care that I suck.  I just want to type what I want to type, ALRIGHT?!